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MissAmberRed página de sex chat

Have a little fun, getting to know you. Some playing with myself which may include toys and helping you to get hard. A Male friend will be present when needed to help me show you the things I like and maybe help with the things you like too.

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Sobre Este Modelo


  • Altura: 5'3" (1.6m)
  • Peso: 109 lbs (49kg)
  • Color de pelo : Pelirroja
  • Color de ojos : Verdes
  • Tipo de cuerpo : Esbelto
  • Origen étnico : Blanca
  • Tamaño de los senos : A
  • Vello púbico : Sin vello


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    Acerca de MissAmberRed

    Lo que me atrae

    Romance, kissing of my neck, sexy underwear. That sudden touch from a male that isn't expected gives my a flutter.

    Mi especialidad

    Deepthroat (still learning). Knowing how to tease your tip. Some squinting.

    Mis Fotos

    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 1

    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 1

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    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 2

    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 2

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    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 3

    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 3

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    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 4

    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 4

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    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 5

    Intérprete MissAmberRed Foto 5

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