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Imagen de perfil de modelo de cámara web de JennaTaliah80

JennaTaliah80 página de cam girl

I think you can tell by the name, I can be clever, and I can be creative. My favorite thing to do is make you smile. Whatever it takes to get you there. I'm willing to go the extra mile.

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  • Color de pelo : Teñido
  • Tipo de cuerpo : performer_build_Husky
  • Origen étnico : Blanca


  • Audio
  • HD (mejor calidad)

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Acerca de JennaTaliah80

Lo que me atrae

Flirting, teasing, nibbling, hair pulling, gentle choking, roleplaying

Mi especialidad

I have been told several times that I give porn star BJs. In fact I got dumped once because they were too good, and he thought I must be giving them out to others. Haha wtf? I learned from watching the pleasure in a mans face, and taking orders/ direction

Mis Fotos

Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 1

Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 1

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Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 2

Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 2

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Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 3

Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 3

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Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 4

Intérprete JennaTaliah80 Foto 4

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