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Elvirochka45 pagina de sex chat

We are walking carefree somewhere in nature. We are very good with each other. Each touch gives an incomparable sensation. All new. And a keen sense of closeness of a man, and his timid attempts to snuggle up to me, and the sweet taste of first kisses.

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Sobre este modelo

  • Nome : Elvirochka45
  • Sexo : Mulher
  • PreferĂȘncias Sexuais : Straight
  • Idiomas falados: InglĂȘs
  • Signo : Balança
  • PaĂ­s: RĂșssia

AparĂȘncia fĂ­sica

  • LĂ€ngd: 5'8" (1.73m)
  • Peso: 102 lbs (46kg)
  • Cor de cabelo : White
  • ÖgonfĂ€rg : Deusa
  • Tipo de corpo : AtlĂ©tica
  • Etnia : Caucasiana
  • Tamanho da mama : C
  • PĂȘlos pubianos : Cabeluda
  • Medidas: 31-35-28" (79-89-71cm)


  • Áudio
  • HD (melhor qualidade)

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Sobre Elvirochka45

O que me excita

He turns and presses against me. His hand strokes my hair, and his lips gently kiss my face. Another moment and our lips have already merged in a kiss, and his hands wander all over my body. Oh, how nice it is. Now my blouse is unbuttoned and the sight of

A minha especialidade

It seems that some kind of sweet energy flows from them. I let my panties take off. But this is clearly not enough for him. For a while I cease to feel his touch, and again his hands caress my body, but what is it? His knee gently but firmly squeezed betw

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