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Foto de perfil de modelo de webcam de NATASHA_ROSSEX

NATASHA_ROSSEX pagina de sex chat

Whatever you do, which involves taking off my clothes, excite you. I will simply seduce you with my body little by little. Choose a very sexy lingerie and it will suffice to make you arrive by seeing me, you will rub your body with mine and you will enter

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Sobre este modelo

Aparência física

  • Längd: 5'2" (1.57m)
  • Peso: 141 lbs (64kg)
  • Cor de cabelo : Preto
  • Ögonfärg : Castanho
  • Tipo de corpo : Musculado
  • Etnia : Americano nativo
  • Tamanho da mama : DD/E
  • Pêlos pubianos : Aparado
  • Medidas: 54-59-54" (137-150-137cm)


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    O que me excita

    I love to touch myself, to spend my hands on my body I love my breasts I like to know a person that I explore that day to day I want to do something I am submissive and at the same time dominant that makes my level of excitement increase to a limit that w

    A minha especialidade

    I am a young lady with a very open mind I have little experience but I will do my best to fulfill one and each of your requests let me seduce you let yourself be seduced and get a pleasure that you will never have with anyone I am all yours and you?

    Os meus marcadores

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